The Company’s organisation consists of the Company’s board of directors and the Company’s executive management. In addition to a finance assistant hired on an hourly basis. The services of the management group are provided to Creaspac under consultancy agreements. In addition, Creades’ investment organisation provides Creaspac with certain services. The structure is deemed cost-effective while the Company is looking for a target company to acquire.

Board of directors
The board of Creaspac is the Company’s investment committee. In addition to decisions about acquisitions, the board will continuously follow up and be actively involved in the work and performance of the investment organisation. The work of identifying a company to acquire will be supported by an extensive industrial network, but also by Creaspac’s board members, who together have extensive experience from investment activities. As of the date of this Prospectus, the board of directors of Creaspac consists of seven members.
Read more about the board of directors here.

Executive management
The Creaspac management consists of John Hedberg, CEO of Creades, who has been appointed CEO on a consultancy basis for Creaspac, and Christina Hilmersson, CFO of Creades, who has been appointed as CFO on a consultancy basis for Creaspac. The executive management will primarily ensure that Creaspac complies with all the regulations for listed companies and will manage the investment activities with the help of Creades’ investment organisation. All decisions to recommend an investment to the general meeting will be made by the board of directors. Following an acquisition, it is intended that the target company’s executive management will replace the current executive management, with potential additions.
Read more about the executive management team here.

Investment organisation
Creaspac’s sponsor, Creades, has entered into an agreement with Creaspac under which Creades will provide its investment organisation to assist Creaspac in identifying, evaluating and completing an acquisition. Creades’ investment organisation consists of experienced, competent persons, most of whom have been employed in Creades for several years. They have extensive experience in investments and corporate finance, and most of them have board experience from both listed and unlisted companies. Creades strives to create value by creatively rethink and challenge current structures and transforming industries for the better. To achieve this, it must be possible to discuss freely and Creades is therefore proud to be a workplace characterised by respect and high integrity. Furthermore, development, responsibility and clarity are important qualities that are rewarded within the company. The investment organisation is forward-looking, works efficiently and analyses in depth how the companies that are being evaluated are positioned, what their strengths and weaknesses are and how they can drive market development and contribute in a wider perspective.
Read more about the investment organisation here.